ARIA ORION was the moniker of Gimbrone’s ensemble from 2007-2009. After performing extensively in New York and the surrounding area, in 2009 they released the album, Let the Sharp Stone Fly.
Blending emotive vocals, oboe, upright bass, accordion, drums, violin and electric guitar/lap steel, ARIA ORION achieves an arc of textures unique in vision and scope. Poetics of lyrics and instrumentation usher the listener into a world of startling discoveries, each section peeling away a new layer of luminosity and exploration. A mountain, shrouded in pines, cut-off from civilization sets the
stage for the characters of Let the Sharp Stone Fly. Where a pubescent boy, amatory rabbit, androgynous sooth-sayer (augur), fearful town, and a fleet of birds-turned-missiles all collide. A perpetual loneliness is at the heart of this piece, with the characters exhibiting an array of desperate and sometimes destructive attempts at connection, both internally and externally. With these encounters, Let the Sharp Stone Fly, performs aural acts of violence and redemption all in the name of love.